The beauty of people captured in a photo

I want to show you how nature reflects in your eyes, and then go deeper and bring out images directly from your soul.

Climb up on some hill at sunrise. Everybody needs perspective once in a while, and you’ll find it there.

— Robb Sagendorph

A little about me


I’m Akin Isaac

I am from Oyo State, in Nigeria, with beautiful people, nature, and artistic impulse becoming my own personal guide.


Relationship with art

I love art and adventure. My youth was spent studying people, and my environment to carve out what others do not see, it’s how I think we can reconnect our souls with the world around us.



If art is my first true love, photography became my second one. It started with just wanting to create art using a different

method. And I realised it was beautiful. And I was instantly drawn to it.


Interesting Fact

Not only am I a photographer, and an artist. I am also a graphic designer (motion graphics), and an instrumentalist. I play jazz guitar and the keyboard; music is my muse. It seemed like the perfect way to channel my hobby and have more opportunities with creativity.